Вакансия дня: Горящие вакансии для специалистов горнодобывающей промышленности. Зарплата высокая
Интервью года: Новое интервью Льва Пучкова-В России создается крупнейший горно - металлургический университет мира
Предложение года: Гидромолоты и навесное оборудование для горной промышленности

Инженер-технолог по производству окатышей / Pellet plant engineer

Страна: Россия
Город/Регион: Санкт-Петербург
Уровень: Специалист
Образование: Высшее
Опыт работы: 3-5 лет
Занятость: Полный день


Scope of responsibilities:

·         Prepare performance specification (technical requirements) for pelletizing plant for iron ore or other metallic ores;


·         Review and analyze technical specifications provided by bidders (equipment suppliers) to performance specification of pelletizing plant. Recommend supplier. Justify recommendation.


·         Determine utility requirements for new pelletizing plant


·         Work with project team involved in preparing feasibility studies of new iron ore mining or other metallic ore mine developments


·         Perform technical and/or operational reviews of existing pellet plant operations


o   suggest/recommend changes to improve operational performance; 


o   quantify changes in operational parameters and operating cost


o   determine capital cost estimate of changes


·         Ideally the candidate would also have some knowledge/experience in beneficiation of iron ores, but this is not a requirement.


·         Visit existing pelletizing plants                 





Qualifications–Intermediate Engineer/Engineer

·          Graduate degree in engineering


·         Minimum of 3 years experience in pellet plant technology/operations; first preference is iron ore pelletizing experience


·         Bilingual – English and Russian


·         Willingness to travel





       Competitive salary level, social package, compensation of relocation fees.


Контактная информация

Ксения Телегина
[email protected]
просмотров: 650
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